Sara Khan is a renowned television and Bollywood celebrity. She rose to fame with her ‘Sapna Babul Ka...Bidaai’ as Sadhna. She has seen many daily soaps and reality shows, including Bigg Boss. She marks her return to the entertainment industry with her upcoming Bollywood film, 'The Era of 1990'. She revealed being a favorite celebrity of Shahid Kazmi productions as she possesses multiple lined-up projects in an exclusive conversation with BollywoodMDB.
Sara spoke about her upcoming project, ‘Lahora,’ going to be on the floor next month. She said, “ our film, ‘Lahora,’ is about to go on the floor next month where we will be playing the lead role. We are our favorite Shahid Kazmi productions, and they are our favorite. We are the most loved and will always be.”
Male lead Arjun also mentioned their upcoming film, ‘Ishq wala love.’ He mentions, “Even though we have completed the shoot for ‘Ishq wala love’ but our this film, 'The Era of 1990' will get released earlier to that. We will shoot for ‘Lahora’ and our film ‘Ishq wala love’ will get released.” She desired her fans to shower love and love on her.
The film 'The Era of 1990' will be released on March 17, 2023. It will be produced by Jagjeet Singh and Shahid Kazmi under the labels Shahid Kazmi Productions and H.S. Rissam Pictures. Shahid Kazmi helms the film, focusing on how online piracy impacts the Bollywood business.