Filmmaker Karan Johar, who is also a bona fide fashionista, inaugurated the new store of his exquisite jewellery brand, Tyaani Fine Jewellery in Mumbai’s Borivali. Tyaani Fine Jewellery launched its first-ever offline outlet in Bandra, Mumbai, before expanding to other cities like Hyderabad and Delhi.
Johar, who believed the city of Mumbai deserves another offline store, says, “Tyaani is an extension of my personality. The brand imbibes our traditional values with an eclectic modern twist. The collection appeals to women of all ages at all stages of their life."
Also present at the launch were Maheep Kapoor, Mr. Shravan Satyani (Founder and Partner) and Mr. Sunil A Bhulchandani (CEO and Partner).
Brand ambassador Janhvi Kapoor, celebrities like Madhuri Dixit, Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, Kiara Advani, and more have often been spotted wearing uncut stone jewellery. The element of rawness in each of the designs, with its natural uncut diamonds and stones, makes the jewellery magnificent and drop-dead gorgeous!
Tyaani is taking a big step in the expansion of traditional Indian art forms across the globe. Designed to cater to modern Indian women, the collection is extremely comfortable, made with a Rolling Gold Technique, and is accessible, with ravishing designs. Tyaani, with its aesthetically pleasing, handcrafted jewellery, has surely left its mark on the jewellery industry over the years.
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