Two friends, played by Madhavan and Sharman Joshi, who begins a new course of action and that is to find their lost buddy. On this journey, while finding their friend, they happen to remember a long forgotten bet, where they had to crash a wedding and a funeral that goes out of control. During this course of time they both go through bad situations from where their another journey to their lost memories begins where they met their lost friend Rancho, played by Aamir Khan, he is out of control freak guy, a free thinker, who is very different from the world and unique in his way. He helps them to change their lives. It's a story about their hostel days that follows with Rancho's love story with strong hearted and bold Pia, played by Kareena Kapoor and his fight with a very harsh and a strict mentor Viru Sahastrabudhe, played by Boman Irani and after that suddenly one day Rancho goes missing. But who was he? Where was he from? Why did he leave? And where did he go? Nobody ever knew. The friend who inspired them to think more creatively and independently and taught them to see the world with a different perspective. That is why this conformist world called them Three Idiots. Now these two friend's mission is to find the real idiot. Three idiots are all about comedy and funky ideas and to make you laugh. It is funny, wild, entertaining and insightful. A laugh riot that will teach us the most important human act of "Self Actualization."