The movie revolves around the life of the girls called Nazneen Malik (Avani Modi) who hails from Lahore, Paromita Ghosh (Satarupa Pyne) from Kolkata, Nandita Menon (Akanksha Puri) from Hyderabad, Sharon Pinto (Kyra Dutt) from Goa and Mayuri Chauhan (Ruhi Singh) from Rohtak. Leaving behind their families, these girls arrive in city of dreams, Mumbai to earn name and fame. They get selected to become a part of the shoot of a passion project of the industrialist Kumar (Suhel Seth). This shoot for the annual 'Calendar Girls' opens the door of a different world for these five models and they start a new life.
They confront various problems during their journey to become successful in their field. One of them has to work in different field, as the advertising world closes doors for her, the other lands up being an escort in search of ray of hope. A model marries a rich person and quits her career, but fails to get real love. One model gets trapped in cricket match fixing case due to her overambitious boyfriend. The film narrates their journey to achieve their aim.