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Dev D Review

Dev D Review

By Friday Release Team - Nov 30, -0001 05:53 AM

Rating: 2.5/5

Director and writer Anurag Kashyap has done a brilliant job and the movie is more than just another remake of Devdas. Besides some kickass dialogues, the movie also has some great music and visuals that go on to create just the right atmosphere – the open fields, the lacy mannequin filled boudoir of a prostitute or Dev's stoned moments. It also brings in three men in suit who watch Dev's destruction. The choreography of Pardesi and Emosanal Atyachaar is mind blowing. For starters, Paro and Dev are Punjabis and their story is set in rural Punjab and Delhi as opposed to Bengalis. Paro takes a backseat, you see Dev for what he is and Chanda gets her due. Dev (Abhay Deol) is a regular spoilt brat having a good time in London while keeping in touch with his childhood friend Paro. He wants a look at her nude and she complies which is all the motivation he needs to ditch London for some making out back in India. Paro (Mahi Gill) has no qualms about showing her wild sexuality as she cycles across fields with a mattress coz her love Dev wants to get laid rather bad. But when he tries to brand her with the scarlet letter, she calls a spade a spade and moves on. The woman who steals the show is Chanda (Kalki Koetchlin) as her story unfolds from a precocious teen Lenny who turns into a pariah owing to a MMS scandal (ring a bell?) and then turns to prostitution and drugs as Chanda. Her character has it's quirks like a compulsive juggling and origami. Dev spirals out of control on drugs and booze till he meets the pimp Chunni who gets him more booze, drugs and Chanda. His chemistry with Chanda from their exchange of repartees in her boudoir to sharing their woes with each other is one of the best parts of the movie. Like when she tells him her story while painting a sad clown face or the scene in the sauna where he gives her a much needed hug and tells her it is okay. Our boy still can't think beyond Paro. He runs over some people in his BMW (ring a bell?) and daddy dies (read funds cut off), takes to looting payphones and narrowly misses death which suddenly does what even Chanda's love couldn't – gets him thinking straight. And then the movie ends on a happy note....so cheers for those who love happy endings!

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