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Diary of a Butterfly Plot

This is a tale about a girl whose name is Gul. She begins her journey to achieve success from her native place Jaipur. Gul is coveting and dying to achieve success so she makes up her mind to go to the city of dreams, which is none other than Mumbai. The mother of Gul hands over her a diary when she is about to leave for  the city of dreams or say Mayanagri Mumbai. Her mother tells Gul that it would be very beneficial if she would record her day to day activities in that Diary. She also gives her a Note, on which there are some knowledgeable lines written.

In Mumbai Gul starts working for a Fashion House. She  has a friend named Piya with whom she stays. She is on the post of an accountant in the same Fashion House, and with Carol, who is an owner of a Spa.

When Gul begins her struggle in Mumbai she forgets or say ignores completely each and every relationship in the cravings for success. She starts using other people as stairs in her journey of life in so that she could go to the top. She does not even respect the Diary and the Note which her mother had given and even makes fun of them.

However, she does get success and reaches the top. But when she reaches the peak, she comes to know that that while running for success she had hurt many people; sometimes deliberately and sometimes even without any intention. She had ill-treated and abused many persons who tried to rectify her and at present she has nobody to celebrate the success which she had achieved. Her misbehaving and irresponsible lifestyle and line move toward to achieve her ambition made her lose every friend in life.

So Gul begins reading her Diary from the beginning just to find out if she had ill-treated or misbehaved with someone to the worst degree. Also the Notes Lines begins ringing in her head helping her to realize her faults and also speaking to her to apologize to them.

When Gul plans to rectify all the mistakes she had committed in the past i.e. to ask for forgiveness to each and everyone she has hurt, she discovers the truth about Mumbai and the Corporate World. She is very much shocked to see the response of the people that she determines to be the way she is. She also says no to the guidelines of her Mother because she believes that just due to that Diary and the Note she went to correct things which in turn became a joke on herself.

Bigheaded, irresponsible, Social and a Dreamer who would continue her journey for more success but in her own way.

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