The story revolves around Vivan played by Himesh Reshammiya, a successful RJ on a popular radio station in Mumbai but with an unsuccessful marriage. Vivan and Pooja, played by Sonal ... full Plot
By Friday Release Team - Nov 30, -0001 05:53 AM
The script is light, silly, yet enjoyable. It's a total kind of teenage interest movie. Ishaan Trivedi\'s romantic musical Radio (2009) was a short and an acceptable film. Well this can be also explained as a complete package of love, relationships, and humor. Though many a times it sounded boring. While there are some clever scenes that help understand the strenuous screenplay, the experience of watching the plot unfold as a video shoot, rather than a linear movie, is not uninteresting. Radio, starring Himesh Reshammiya as RJ Vivan and Sonal Sehgal as Pooja who is vivan's wife; is a story about a popular RJ Vivan, he is unsuccessful in his relationship and gets divorce from her wife...