The plot of the film revolves around the life of Alia Arora (Alia Bhatt), a pretty girl who loves to live in her fantasy land, is a walking encyclopaedia and an insomniac. She is an adopted child, but is loved dearly by her new father Bipin Arora (Pankaj Kapur). Bipin has a dysfunctional family consisting of his bossy mother, a catty wife and weird brothers. Bipin is always worried about his little girl Alia's insomnia and hopes that one fine day, her prince charming will succeed in making her sleep. Meanwhile, his bossy mother calls for the grand wedding of Bipin's real daughter Isha, (Sanah Kapoor) who is a bubbly, kind hearted girl with a plumped-up body. The wedding is actually a deal in order to save the family from bankruptcy. The ceremony is organised by Jagjinder Joginder's (Shahid Kapoor) company. A cute bond of friendship and love develops between the two youngies - Alia and JJ, amidst the wedding chaos.