The upcoming short film 'The Homecoming' spins around the topic of significance of family. This short film is for Urban Ladder, an online furniture store, which believes that home is complete with a family and not by its furniture. Conceptualised and shot with Boring Brands, this film will have Diwali at its backdrop and it's a seven-minute flick. It narrates the journey of a couple who shifts to their son's home and son along with his wife make thoughtful changes in the home to make parents feel at home.
'The Homecoming' also stars Piyush Mishra in the role of the father. Talking about this Mishra said "The beauty of this film lies in its simplicity. It celebrates relationships set in the backdrop of Diwali festival and brings out the coming together of a family,". He further added that "For someone who has been in the industry for so long, it is heartening to see young brands create unique content and I feel lucky to have been a part of this effort by Urban Ladder,"