Popular drama series 'Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin' is known for its constant drama. We are all aware of the earlier episodes' various fascinating story developments. The show's captivating plot, Sai and Satya's on-screen chemistry, and both of their faultless performances are beloved by viewers. In the most recent episode of the programme, we saw everyone do their very hardest to locate Pakhi, and Sai published an advertisement titled Pakhi Missing.
Bhavani finds out about it via her rivalry, and when she hears that Sai is the publisher, she becomes quite nervous. She criticises Sai for it. She doesn't need Sai's assistance; she can find Pakhi on her own. Additionally, she inserts Amba into the conversation and insults them. She becomes enraged and begs her to stop talking such nonsense.
Bhavani blames Sai for Vinu and his family's current predicament. Additionally, Bhavani holds Sai accountable for Pakhi's disappearance from the house. Sai answers by accusing her of failing to manage her family correctly and taking full responsibility for everything.
Virat, on the other hand, gets a call from one of his teammates. Virat was instructed to go and identify the body that his colleague had discovered. After learning that Pakhi is the subject of such speculation, Virat is shocked.